Physics Simulation Apps

Projectile Motion:
Projectile motion is a form of motion experienced by an object hat is projected in a gravitational field and moves along a curved path under the action of gravity.


Ferris Wheel Model:
This simulation shows a wheel that can be varied in radius from 40 m (Ferris' original wheels) to 100 m, or about 10 meters langer than the current world record


Javelin Dynamics Model:
This simulates the throw of a javelin in a vertical plane. The initial velocity, angle of the javelin, angle of the velocity vector , angle of attack, and angular velocity can be changed.


Atwood Machine in Fluid:
This model shows two masses connected by strings and pulleys immersed in a water tank. Each mass is acted on by gravitational, buoyant, and drag forces.


Falling UShaped Chain Model:
This model simulates the dynamics of a discrete falling chain with total length L and n links. Each link is acted on by the force of gravity mg and by the link-link interaction.


Particle Motion On A Curve Model:
This model simulates the dynamics of a particle sliding on a curve y=f(x) with friction. The model displays normal, friction, and gravitational force vectors and the local radius of curvature.


Particle Motion On A Curve Model:
This model simulates the dynamics of a particle sliding on a curve y=f(x) with friction. The model displays normal, friction, and gravitational force vectors and the local radius of curvature.


Sliding Down an Inclined Plane:
This model displays an object sliding down on an incline plane. When the object reaches the bottom of the incline, it can be set to bounce (elastic collision) or stick (inelastic collision).


Falling in Fluid Model:
This model shows a sphere falling through a fluid. The sphere is acted on by gravitational, buoyant, and viscous drag forces acting at the interface between the fluid and the object.


Pendulum Motion Model:
This model shows the motion of a simple pendulum. You can change the mass of the pendulum bob, the length of the string, the acceleration due to gravity, and the initial position of the pendulum.


Spring Motion Model:
The Spring Motion Model shows the motion of a block attached to an ideal spring. The block can oscillate back-and-forth horizontally.You can change the mass of the block, the spring constant of the spring.


Block & Spring on Inclined Plane:
This model shows the dynamics of a mass-spring system sliding on an inclined plane with static and kinetic friction. You can set the coefficients of friction and the spring constant.


Zeeman Heartbeat Model:
This modelsimulates the heartbeat cycle. The heart is represented as a blue circle in phase space and travels from diastole to systole which are represented as the green circles.


Lagrangian Pendulum Spring:
The Lagrangian Pendulum Spring model asks students to solve the Lagrangian for a spring-pendulum and then develop a computational model of it.


Orbiting Mass with Spring Force:
The Ejs Orbiting Mass with Spring Force model displays the frictionless dynamics of a mass constrained to orbit on a table due to a spring.


Pendulum Energy Model:
The Pendulum Energy model shows a pendulum and associated energy bar charts. Users can change the initial starting point of the pendulum.


Balls in a Box Model:
The Balls in a Box model shows that a system of particles is very sensitive to its initial conditions. .


Molecular Dynamics Model:
This model is constructed using the Lennard-Jones potential truncated at a distance of 3 molecular diameters. The motion of the molecules is governed by Newton's laws.


Hard Disk Collision Model:
The Hard Disk Collision model displays a two-dimensional collision between two hard disks. The two disks have the same mass and only one mass is moving at the beginning of the simulation.


Collisions in One Dimension Model:
This model allows the user to collide two objects and investigate whether momentum and/or kinetic energy are conserved in the collision process. .


Inelastic Collision of Particles:
The Inelastic Collision of Particles with Structure model displays the inelastic collision between two equal "particles" with structure on a smooth horizontal surface.


Particle Worldline Model:
The Particle Worldline model computes and displays the trajectory of a test particle in the vicinity of a black hole using Schwarzschild coordinates.


Binary Star System:
The Binary Star System with Lorentz Symmetry Violating Effects 3D Model illustrates the effects of violations in Lorentz symmetry to any detached binary star system.


Simple Harmonic Oscillator Model:
The Simple Harmonic Oscillator model displays the dynamics of a ball attached to an ideal spring. The spring is initially stretched and the ball has zero initial velocity.


Diffusion Equation Analytic Model:
This model shows the analytic solution of the one dimensional diffusion equation. A delta pulse at the origin is set as the initial function.


STP Diffusion Lattice Gas Program:
The STP Diffusion Lattice Gas program simulates the diffusion of particles on a lattice. The default is a lattice with linear dimension L=40 and N=500 particles


Diffusion Aggregation in 2D Space:
The Diffusion Limited Aggregation in Continuous 2D Space Model simulates the formation of a cluster using a random-walk process called "diffusion limited aggregation" (DLA).


STP Ising Lattice Gas Program:
The STP IsingLatticeGas program is a Monte Carlo simulation of a two-dimensional lattice gas with two halves at different chemical potentials to show diffusive equilibrium.


STP PartitionedBox Model:
The Partitioned Box program displays the number of particles on one half of a box as a function of time after a small hole is made in the partition dividing the box in half.


NVT-Molecular Dynamics Model:
The NVT-Molecular Dynamics Model performs molecular dynamics simulations at constant temperature of 32, 108, 256 or 500 molecules interacting through the Lennard-Jones potential.


Bungee Jumping Model:
In this Model, a bungee jumper is dropped from a tower with a fixed length of bungee cord. You can control the height of the tower, the stiffness of the bungee cord.


Least Action (Gravity/Free):
The EJS Least Action (Gravity/Free) model illustrates the principle of least action for the one dimensional motion of a free particle or a particle subject to a constant gravitational force.


Roller Coaster Model:
The Roller Coaster model explores the relationship between kinetic, potential, and total energy as a cart travels along a roller coaster.


Collision between two pendulums:
This model allows the user to simulate a collision between two pendulums. The user can change the initial angle and the mass of one of the pendulums. The simulation shows the velocity and the tension for each of the pendulums.


Mini-Golf Model:
The Mini-Golf Model is a three level putting game that get progressively harder. There are obstacles that the ball bounces off and water hazards that add a stroke to the score and returns the ball to the starting position.


Shooting Fish in a Barrel Model:
The Shooting Fish in a Barrel Model presents a simple game that shows how to solve arrays of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and how to use ODE events to detect collisions.
